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How to Use Lic Wings Ready Reckoner Pdf to Compare and Choose LIC Policies

Government of Karnataka (GoK) is a pioneer in leveraging information and communication technology (ICT) for better governance and is at the forefront of implementation of electronic-Governance (e-Governance) initiatives in the country. The Centre for e-Governance (CeG) is a nodal agency established in the year 2006, under the Societies Registration Act, to steer the e-governance policies and strategies in the state. It is the custodian of the e-governance core infrastructure and basic administrative reform based applications created in the state. In fact, it is unique in the state as it is placed in Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (DPAR) which is directly accountable to the Chief Minister of the state. The services of CeG over the years has proved to be immensely contributive in realizing the benefits of IT for common man. True to the ethos of the IT sector that demands autonomous functionality, the CeG spreads open its wings to various innovative projects aiming to empower citizens through the support of e-Governance.

Lic Wings Ready Reckoner Pdf

Aron's book is like a pleasurable bullock-cart journey through cow-belt politics. The volume packs in three parallel plots: a ready reckoner on UP politics, the state satrap Mulayam Singh Yadav's chequered career, and a biography of his son, Tipu or Akhilesh, the current Chief Minister. The plots unfold in concert but the first two are so theatrical that the title theme almost distracts.

lemon juice was now thrown in; and as soon as the ker nels were free from their transparent coating,their liquor strained and added. The sherbet was now tasted; more acid or more sugar applied as required, and care taken not to render the lemonade too watery. "Rich of the fruit, and plenty of sweetness," was the general's maxim. The sherbet was then measured,and to every three quarts a pint of Cognac brandy and a pint of old Jamaica rum were allotted, the spiiit being well stirred as poured in; bottling immediately followed, and, when completed, the beverage was kept in a cold cellar, or tank, till required. At the general's table I have frequently drunk punch thus made, more than six months old; and found it much improved by time and a cool atmosphere. 27. Punch Jelly. Make a good bowl of punch, d la Ford, already tie- scribed. To every pint of punch add an ounce and a half ofisinglass, dissolved in a quarter ofa pint of water(about half a tumbler full); pour this into the punch whilst quite hot, and then fill your moulds,taking care that they are not disturbed until the jelly is completely set. Orange, lemon, or calTs-foot jelly, not used at dinner, can be converted into punch jelly for the evening, by fol lowing the above directions, only taking care to omit a portion ofthe acid prescribed in making the sherbet. This preparation is a very agreeable refreshment on a cold night,but should be used in moderation; the strength ofthe punch is so artfully concealed by its admixture with the gelatine, that many persons, particularly of the softer sex,have been tempted to partake so plentifully of it as to render them somewhat unfit for waltzing or quadrilling after supper.

28. Gin Punch. (For bottling.) Following General Ford's plan, as already described, (or making sherbet, add good gin, in the proper propor tion before prescribed; this, bottled and kept in a cool cellar or cistern,tvill be found an economical and excellent Siuumer drink.

Mix thoroughly, and strain, as already described in the recipe for ''''Punch d la Ford" adding more sugar and lemon juice, if to taste. Bottle,and keep on ice for three or four days, and the punch will be ready for use, but the longer it stands, the better it gets.


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