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A Matter Of Time

The film jumps forward to the present time. Nina has become a motion picture star. She arrives at the press conference. As she steps out of her limousine, a girl hurries up and says she wants to be just like Nina when she grows up.

The novel had been adapted for the stage by Paul Osborne as La Contessa in 1965 and starred Vivien Leigh in the title role. Minnelli read the book in 1966, but only obtained the film rights in 1973. He raised the funds via Jack H. Skirball, a sometime producer. Eventually American International Pictures agreed to co-finance with Italian producer Giulio Sbarigia.[3]

A Matter of Time

"A Matter of Time" is a fairly large disappointment as a movie, but as an occasion for reverie, it does very nicely. Once we've finally given up on the plot - a meandering and jumbled business - we're left with the opportunity to contemplate Ingrid Bergman at 60. And to contemplate Ingrid Bergman at any age is, I submit, a passable way to spend one's time.

I think she's my favorite movie actress. I've seen her again and again in "Casablanca" and "Gaslight," and so many times in "Notorious" (1946) that I suppose I could describe the movie shot by shot. She made her best films in the 1940s, but even today, and even in a mess like "A Matter of Time," she possesses a radiant screen personality. This time she plays a contessa, the impoverished but proud Contessa Sanziani, who lives on pawned jewels in a seedy Roman hotel, circa 1949. In her time, she was the most famous beauty in Europe, and her affairs ranged from the world's richest men to a gondolier in Venice. Now all that is behind her, and she's receded into a sort of stubborn truce with the past: She will remember it if it will forget her. Into her life comes a young chambermaid, played by Liza Minnelli. She grows to know the countess and to share her memories, and eventually to be absorbed by them. And here it's worth wondering, why so many actresses are pushovers for roles like the Minnelli role in this film. The plot's an old and familiar one: The poor young girl, the ugly duckling from the streets, becomes transformed into a ravishing beauty. And the transformation is almost always revealed in a scene where the heroine descends a flight of stairs. Think of Sophia Loren in "Lady L," or Liza Minnelli in this film, or Bette Davis (older, and descending fewer stairs) in "A Pocketful of Miracles."

Maybe actresses like transformations because they reflect what's happened in real life. Nobody is born a movie star, but a handful of people eventually get to be stars - and that status must sometimes be astonishing even to them. To enact on the screen what's already happened in life provides a sort of double fantasy. It's a rite of passage, maybe, and it's appropriate that Ingrid Bergman should be conducting Liza Minnelli through it.

Maybe those were Vincente Minnelli's thoughts as he prepared the picture and cast his daughter in it. Sentiment must have also led to the casting of Charles Boyer (who played opposite Bergman in "Gaslight") as the contessa's estranged husband here. For people who love movie romance, "A Matter of Time" must have seemed like a dream project.

The most traditional measure of time served is the average length of prison terms for all people released in a given year. A serious problem with this measure is that it only includes people released in that year and thus overrepresents people serving shorter sentences. Those serving longer prison terms, who have yet to be released, are not counted. This is a significant obstacle when studying the impact of long terms on prison population dynamics.

We developed a different approach that more effectively accounts for people serving long prison terms who have yet to be released. We look at a snapshot of everyone who was still in prison at the end of a year and calculate how many years each person had served. This allows us to capture trends in time served among people who have not yet been released. For example, someone who entered prison in 1995 and will eventually serve 25 years would not be included in a release cohort until 2020. However, our measure would capture, for each year, the amount of time he or she had been incarcerated to that point (e.g., 10 years in 2005, 15 years in 2010, and so on). This approach allows us to measure, in real time, trends in how much time everyone currently in prison has served thus far, regardless of admission or release date. Our method does not, however, measure the total length of time someone will spend in prison. It only reflects how long each person has served up to that date.

Our method underestimates time served in certain ways. For example, we do not count time spent in a local jail before being transferred to a state prison. Data quality and reporting on jail terms are not consistent across states, so we chose to focus on time spent in state prison. We eliminate term records with a total sentence length of less than one year to filter out jail terms that may be included in the NCRP, which can occur in states with unified jail/prison systems. And because of data limitations, we cannot accurately link parole revocation data to the original prison term. A person on parole could return to prison and be released multiple times, but our measure considers each stay in prison separately rather than summing up their cumulative time served.

The wormhole is established, but the signal from the team's G.D.O. comes in many times slower than normal. Captain Carter and Lieutenant Simmons speed up the signal with the computer, and recognize it as SG-10's iris code. The iris opens, but no team comes through. A probe is sent to the planet, where the truth is learned: the planet is orbiting a newly-formed black hole. The intense gravity has caused time to slow on the planet; though the wormhole was open for several minutes on Earth, SG-10 perceived it to be open for only a fraction of a second.

Carter hurries to the surface, so that she will have more time to work through the problem. The whole S.G.C. is evacuated, with O'Neill and Cromwell left behind to activate the base's self-destruct systems.

Optimizing the perception of external cues and regulating physiology accordingly help plants to cope with the constantly changing environmental conditions to which they are exposed. An array of photoreceptors and intricate signaling pathways allow plants to convey the surrounding light information and synchronize an endogenous timekeeping system known as the circadian clock. This biological clock integrates multiple cues to modulate a myriad of downstream responses, timing them to occur at the best moment of the day and the year. Notably, the mechanism underlying entrainment of the light-mediated clock is not clear. This review addresses known interactions between the light-signaling and circadian-clock networks, focusing on the role of light in clock entrainment and known molecular players in this process.

Do you wake up at the crack of dawn, or do you need an alarm clock to wake you up each morning? It may surprise you that the two are not always in synch. Nowadays, we use Standard Time to set our watches instead of Solar Time. Which method of timekeeping is the most accurate? Get ready to synchronize your watches!

Timekeeping is the science of how to keep time with precision and accuracy. People have been finding ways of measuring time for thousands of years, usually based on the movements of the earth, moon, sun and stars. Nowadays, modern atomic clocks are used that are independent of the astronomical timekeeping methods. However, astronomers still need to know time according to the movements of the solar system. A difference of one second can make you miss an important astronomical phenomenon by looking in the wrong place or time in the sky.

Standard Time - For purposes of navigation and astronomy, it is useful to have a single time for the entire Earth. For historical reasons, this "world" time was chosen to be the time at Greenwich, England (0 degrees longitude), a place called the prime meridian. This time is called the Universal Time (UT) and is measured using an advanced atomic clock in Greenwich, England. Standard Time adjusts the time from Universal Time at the meridian to your local time by using regions called time zones. If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area for example, you are in the Pacific Standard Time Zone, which means that you subtract 8 hours from Universal Time measured at the meridian to get your local Standard Time.

Sidereal Time - Sidereal time is measured according to the positions of the stars in the sky. Sidereal Time is sometimes called Astronomical Time or Celestial Time. A sidereal day is the time it takes for a particular star to travel around and reach same position in the sky. A sidereal day is slightly shorter than a mean day, lasting 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds. A sidereal day is divided into 24 sidereal hours, which are each divided into 60 sidereal minutes, and so on.

Solar Time - Sundials measure time based on the actual position of the Sun in the local sky and can be measured using a sundial or gnomon. This time is called the apparent (or local) solar time. Noon is the precise moment when the Sun is on the meridian (which is an imaginary line passing from north to south through the zenith) and the sundial casts its shortest shadow. Before noon, when the Sun is on its way to meridian, the apparent solar time is ante meridian (a.m.) and past noon the apparent solar time is post meridian (p.m.).

Why are standard time, sidereal time, and solar time different? This happens because the Earth is moving through space (orbiting the sun) and rotating about its own axis. There are variations in the Earth's orbit (for example, the fact that the orbit is an ellipse and not a circle) that introduce variations in the timekeeping methods. Wrapping your head around these different concepts can be difficult. Figure 1 gives a very simple explanation, but it will help if you read the references in the Bibliography. 2ff7e9595c

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